2025 Millennium Farms Herbs/Perennials/Hostas - More Than Anywhere Else in the NW!
P – Perennial TP – Tender Perennial HP – Hardy Perennial SP – Spreading Perennial A – Annual B - Biennial
PV – Perennial Vine EP – Evergreen Perennial
Aloe Vera – TP, 2-4’ Ht., Sun, tubular yellow-orange flowers, overwinter indoors
Angelica – P, 1-3’ Ht., Sun, large bipinnate leaves, large umbrels of greenish white flower
Arnica American – P, 1-2’ Ht., Sun, small yellow daisy-like flowers, hairy leaves
Genovese – A, 18-24” Ht., Sun, large leaf variety excellent for Pest
Mrs. Burns Lemon – A, 3’ Ht., Sun, large leaves, lemon scent & flavor
Purple – A, 18-24” Ht., Sun, large ruffled purple leaves
Thai – A, Sun, anise/licorice scent & flavor for Asian cuisine
Catnip – P, 2-5’ Ht., Sun, cats love the leaves & flowers, lavender white flowers
Chives – P, 10-15” Ht., Sun, mild onion flavor, pink flower heads are also edible
Chives, Garlic – P, 24-30” Ht., Sun, flat leaves, flavor mix of onion and garlic, white flowers
Cilantro – A, 18” Ht., Sun, A, 18” Ht., Sun, leaves and seeds used in Mexican cooking
Cohosh, Black – P, 3-6’ Ht., Shade, North American native, white flowers, medicinal roots
Cohosh, Blue – P, 3-6’ Ht., Shade, North American native, white flowers, medicinal roots
Dill – A, 48” Ht., Sun, blue green feathery foliage before forming seed heads
Narrow-Leaved – P, 8-18” Ht., Sun, narrow leaves, pink-purple petals
Pale Purple – P, 12-30” Ht., Sun, long drooping pink petals
Purple – P, 3’ Ht., Sun, rosy red flowers, dark center
Yellow – P, 2-3’ Ht., Sun, yellow flower, dark center
Fo-Ti (He-Shou-Wu) – PV, 30’, Sun, very invasive Chinese medicinal he
Lady’s Mantle – P, 9-18” Ht., Sun, textured, scalloped leaves, light green flowers
Blue Star – P, 20” Ht., Sun, compact growth, violet blue flowers
Elegance Snow – P, 12” Ht., Sun, Fragrant white flowers, gray-green foliage
Green French – TP, 1-3’ Ht., Sun, finely toothed leaves, lavender-purple blooms
Grosso – P, 24-30” Ht., Sun, silver foliage, 12-14” spikes of violet flowers
Hidcote Blue – P, 18-24” Ht., Sun, silver grey foliage, dark purple fragrant flowers
Lavance Purple – P, 12” Ht., Sun, intense deep purple flowers
Linda Ligon – TP, 24-36” Ht., Sun, variegated form of French lavender
Munstead – P, 12” Ht., Sun, fragrant compact plant, lilac flowers
Pinnata – TP, 2-3’ Ht., Sun, fernlike foliage, purple flowers
Provence – P, 2’ Ht., Sun, very fragrant mauve flowers with long flower spikes
Silver Anouk – P, 12” Ht., Sun, purple flowers
Lemon Balm – P, 2-3’ Ht., Sun, citronella scented, good lemon flavor for teas
Lime Balm – P, 12” Ht., Sun/Part Shade. Lime flavor with a hint of mint
Lemon Grass – TP, 18-24” Ht., Sun, lemon-scented grass, base used in Thai cooking
Lemon Verbena – TP, 4-6’ Ht., Sun, long green leaves, lemon flavor & fragrance, white flower
Lovage - P, 5-6’ Ht., Sun/Shade, dark green leaves tastes like celery, use in soups
Marjoram, Sweet – P, 10-12” Ht., Sun, milder flavor than oregano
Chocolate Peppermint – P, 18” Ht., Shade, peppermint scent with a hint of chocolate flavor
Kentucky Colonel – P, 1-2’ Ht., Shade, refreshing taste and fragrance
Moroccan – P, 18” Ht., Shade, used in the mid-east to flavor tea
Orange – P, 18-24” Ht., Shade, hint of citrus in the fragrance, darker leaves
Pineapple – P, 18-24” Ht., Shade, gray green leaves with white streaks, sweet & fruity
Spearmint – P, 12” Ht., Shade, crisp dark leaves, excellent in teas, sauces, juleps
Motherwort – P, 24-72” Ht., Sun, large palmate leaves, tiny pink flowers
Mugwort - P, 6’ Ht., Sun, light green leaves, large flowerheads
Oregano – P, Sun
Golden - 6” Ht., aromatic golden foliage, pink flowers
Greek – 12-18” excellent flavor, purple to white flowers
Hot & Spicy – 18” Ht., hot & spicy flavor, purple/red flower
Kent Beauty – TP, 8” Ht., trailing branches, pink flowers, bitter flavor]
Parsley, Italian – B, 18” Ht., Sun, dark green glossy leaves, strong flavor
Rosemary, EP, Sun
Arp – 3’ Ht., one of the hardiest varieties, upright growth
Bonnie Jean – 14” Ht., semi-cascading variety with bright blue flowers
Creeping – 1’ Ht., best in rockery or covering a wall
Golden Rain – 24-36” Ht., narrow leaves of bright green & gold, blue flowers
Tuscan Blue – EP, 4’ Ht., Sun, excellent flavor, blue flowers
Sage – P, Sun
Berggarten – 18” Ht., large leaves, compact plant, excellent culinary variety
Firebrand – TP, 6’ Ht., incredibly showy red-orange flower spikes
Garden – 18-24” Ht., standard culinary variety, drought tolerant
Golden – 18-24” Ht., yellow and green leaves, lavender blue flower
Honeydew Melon – TP, 3’ Ht., distinct melon fragrance, red flowers
Pineapple – TP, 30-36” Ht., pineapple flavor & aroma, scarlet flowers
Tangerine – TP, 4-6’ Ht., rounded leaves, citrus overtones, red flowers
Savory, Winter – P, 6-12” Ht., Sun, strong flavor for soups, meat, good border plant
Stevia – TP, 3’ Ht., leaves are a sugar substitute great for diabetics
Tarragon, French – P, 2’ Ht., Sun, slender stems of bright green, anise scented leaves
Thyme – P, Sun
English – 8-12” Ht., standard variety growth for culinary us
Golden Lemon – 6” Ht., green leaves with yellow edges, lemon aroma/flavor
Silver – 8-10” Ht., small silver-grey leaves with white margins
Agapanthus Storm Cloud – P, 3-4’ Ht., Sun, dark violet-blue flowerheads
Astilbe Montgomery – P, 24” Ht., Shade, dark magenta red flowers
Bleeding Heart – P, 18-30” Ht., Shade, rose and white flowers beginning in April
Clematis: P, 5-15’ Ht., Sun with shaded base
Duchess of Edinburgh – pompom-like, fully double white flowers
Jackmanii – velvety dark purple flowers multi-colored
Multi Blue – deep blue double flowers, faint central stripe of white, reblooms
Columbine: P, 18-30” Ht., Sun
Crimson Star – Red and white flowers
Grandmother’s Garden – Antique form, short spurs, mixed colors
Lime Sorbet – Clematis flowered form of green tinge
McKana’s Giant – attractive, showy bloom in mixed colors
Nora Barlow Mix – Double pink and red blooms
Crocosmia Emberglow – Tubular blooms in shades of burnt orange to deep red with yellow throats
Crocosmia George Davidson – Sunset orange buds open to soft yellow blooms
Crocosmia Lucifer – Striking red blooms
Crocosmia Sharona – Pink/coral blooms
Daylily – P, 12-36” Ht., Sun
Band of Fire – 6” blooms of bright yellow with a red eye zone and broad rim
Blackberry Sherbet – Golden yellow, overlapping 5” flowers with dark red eye zone and yellow green throat; reblooms
Cosmic Struggle – Large cranberry blooms, yellow-green throat; fragrant
Dare To Love – 5” single creamy white flower, reddish-pink eye and ruffled edge; reblooms
Fire and Fog – Large, single red bloom, pale yellow thro
Handwriting On The Wall – Peach flower with wine eye, yellow throat, purple edging, fragrant
Hello Screamer – Creamy 5” single blooms, magenta edging and eye zone; rebloom
Little Business – Miniature bright raspberry red flowers, lime green throat; reblooms
Molokai – 6” single rich yellow bloom, green throat
Night Beacon – small, reblooming single flower of dark purple/black
Purple D’Oro – Magenta purple blooms, chartreuse-yellow throat; reblooms
Russian Ragtime – lavender with dark purple eye, green throat, reblooms
Sammy Russell – Dark red, starry blooms, golden throat and edgings
Stella D’Oro – Warm yellow flowers, fragrant
Villa Vanilla – 5” white bloom, yellow throat, ruffled gold edge; reblooms
Belladonna Mix – Tall flower spikes of turquoise, dark blue and white
Black Knight – Very dark purple flowers
Bluebird – Bright blue flowers, white eye
Cherry Blossom – Pastel plum colored with white center
Delphina – Blue to lavender blooms with white center
Excaliber – Mix of colors of white, dark blue, light blue, lilac-rose with white eyes
Galahad – White flowers
English Daisy Galaxy Mix – P, 4” Ht., Sun, low growing daisy-like blooms of pink, red or white
Gaillardia Arizona Red Shades – Large red, daisy like blooms, some with yellow tips
Gaillardia Arizona Sun – 3” single flowers of mahogany red with yellow edges
Hollyhock Chater’s Double – Tall spikes of double blooms in shades of red, white, yellow and pink
Hollyhock Figleaf Mix – Blooms of cream, gold, rose-pink, copper and purple
Hosta – P, Shade/Part Shade
Big Daddy – 22-26” Ht., large blue-green leaves, near white bell-shaped flowers
Blue Clown – 12” Ht., thick, round blue leaves form a dense clump, pale lavender flowers
Blue Mouse Ears – 8” Ht., small heart-shaped foliage with slight curl, lavender flowers
Bressingham Blue – 30” Ht., wide cup shaped leaves of deep blue-green
Catherine – 30” Ht., golden yellow oblate leaves with blue-grey margins
City Lights – 12-18” Ht., rounded, slightly cupped corrugated leaves, chartreuse to bright yellow
Cream Topping – 12” Ht., white center, deep blue green margins, lavender flower
Crumb Cake – 3” Ht., wavy, honey gold round leaves, lavender flowers on purple scapes dark blue and white
Curly Fries - 3-7” Ht., long, thick, tapered yellow intensely rippled leaves, lavender flowers
Designer Genes – 13-18” Ht., bright gold leaves on red petioles, purple flowers on red scapes
Eye Declare –13-18” Ht., fiery golden yellow, deep green margins, lavender flowers
Fat Cat – 60” Ht., large yellow leaves, quilted & corrugated, white flowers
Fire Island – 7-15” Ht., bright yellow leaves, rippled edges, bright red dotted and streaked petioles, lavender flowers
Fragrant Blue – 18” Ht., chalky blue, slightly wavy leaves, fragrant lavender flowers
Fried Green Tomatoes – 24” Ht., glossy, olive green leaves, white fragrant flowers
Gaijin – 3” Ht., tiny mound of green leaves, gold margins age to white, purple striped flowers
Gentle Giant –30+” Ht., round, cupped, undulating blue leaves, white flowers
Golden Tiara – 8-12” Ht., light green foliage edged in yellow, purple flowers
Goober - 10” Ht., deep green, puckered leaves, purple flowers
Grecian Vase – 18” Ht., vase-shaped, chartreuse leaves, slightly rippled margin, curled tips, lavender flowers
Green Eyes – 3” Ht., narrow, lance-shaped, rippled gold leaves, dark green margins
Green Mouse Ears – 8” Ht., thick, rubbery, round green leaves, lavender flowers
Green Platter – 5’ Ht., shiny green leaves, rippled edges, white flowers
Illicit Affair – 5-8” Ht., oval, medium green leaves, bright gold rippled margins, lavender flowers
Lakeside Dragonfly – 19-22” Ht., long, oval blue green leaves, wide gold margins
Lakeside Old Smokey – 19-22” Ht., smoky blue-green leaves, rippled margins, lavender flowers
Lemon Frost – 5-8” Ht., wavy, chartreuse, lance-shaped leaves, white margin, purple striped flowers
Lemon Lime – 5-8” Ht., wavy, bright gold, veined lance-shaped leaves, purple striped flowers
Luna Moth – 18” Ht., dark green leaves, chartreuse margin, lavender flowers
Pineapple Upside Down Cake – 18” Ht., gold foliage, rippled dark green margins, lavender flowers
Sum and Substance – P, 24-36”, Shade, lavender flowers
Summer Lovin’ - 18” Ht., bright gold margins, deep green centers, wavy, somewhat corrugated,, lavender flowers
Tattle Tails - 3-6” Ht., long, arching green leaves, ruffled yellow edges, lavender flowers
Vulcan – 19-22” Ht., creamy white leaves, dark green margins, golden yellow streaks along interior margins, lavender flowers
Houttuynia Chameleon – P, 6-12” Ht., Sun-Shade, leaves of cream, pink, yellow and red
Jasmine, Rose/Perfume – PV, 3-10’ Ht., Sun, red flower buds open to creamy white, strong scent
Lily Of The Valley -Fragrant, waxy white flowers
Mediterranean Bells – Greenish, bell shaped flowers flushed with purple and edged in white, hanging in graceful clusters
Passionflower Blue Crown – 10-15’ Ht., Sun, ruffled outer petals around a center ring of blue, white & purple; lightly scented
Peony: P, 30-36” Ht., Sun
Angel Cheeks – Double soft pink-cameo flowers with red freckles on the petals, double row of pink guard petals; fragrant
Bartzella – fragrant yellow blooms
Celebrity – rose pink blooms surround white tufted center
Cherry Hill – mid-sized blooms of rich, deep crimson, fully double once established
Command Performance - very large, striking red flower, very fragrant
Coral Sunset – Semi double, ruffled flowers of coral with rose pink highlights; matures to pale apricot with yellow stamens; fragrant
Dr. Alexander Fleming – fragrant, large deep rose-pink double flowers fading to light pink
Felix Supreme – large red flower
Gardenia - 6” blush white double bloom with a gardenia form, mild fragrance, many side buds
Henry Bockstoce – very large double flowers of deep cardinal red, rounded petals, center shaped like a rose, fragrant
Honey Gold – Large, fully double gold and white bomb type blooms with pink flushed white centers; fragrant
Karl Rosenfeld – Deep wine red double blooms
Lady Alexandra Duff – fragrant, double flowers of large rose-shaped pale pink blooms
Lady Liberty – double row of pink petals around a frilly cream and pale apricot “bomb” at the center
Monsieur Jules Elie – double rose-pink flowers
Moonstone – Fully double pale blush-pink, almost white blooms; fragrant
Pink Hawaiian Coral - double flowers age from rose-coral to a light coral, almost cream, with mustard yellow heart, fragrant
Purple Spider – Large double blooms of pink-edged, purple fuchsia guard petals, filled with spidery segment, white highlights
Raspberry Sundae – Bomb shaped double blooms, pale pink flowers ringed in gold, center of raspberry pink petals matures to pale whiteish-pink
Red Supreme – large, fully double, solid red
Riches and Fame – Fully double, deep violet-pink blooms; fragrant
Sarah Bernhardt – double rose pink flowers
Top Brass – ivory petals form a dense whorl on double 7” blooms with subtle yellow in the center, sweet honey-like fragrance
Pregnant Onion – Houseplant, As bulb matures, it produces bulbils that grow off the main bulb; produces a tall flower spike with multiple green-striped, fragrant flowers
Salvia Blue Queen – Blue-purple flowers; great in mass plantings
Salvia Victoria Blue – Dense, deep blue blooms
Shasta Daisy Alaska – White flowers with yellow center
Spiderwort ‘Blushing Bride’ - TP, 12-18” Ht., Sun/Part Shade, unique variegated foliage of green pink or white
P – Perennial TP – Tender Perennial HP – Hardy Perennial SP – Spreading Perennial A – Annual B - Biennial
PV – Perennial Vine EP – Evergreen Perennial
Aloe Vera – TP, 2-4’ Ht., Sun, tubular yellow-orange flowers, overwinter indoors
Angelica – P, 1-3’ Ht., Sun, large bipinnate leaves, large umbrels of greenish white flower
Arnica American – P, 1-2’ Ht., Sun, small yellow daisy-like flowers, hairy leaves
Genovese – A, 18-24” Ht., Sun, large leaf variety excellent for Pest
Mrs. Burns Lemon – A, 3’ Ht., Sun, large leaves, lemon scent & flavor
Purple – A, 18-24” Ht., Sun, large ruffled purple leaves
Thai – A, Sun, anise/licorice scent & flavor for Asian cuisine
Catnip – P, 2-5’ Ht., Sun, cats love the leaves & flowers, lavender white flowers
Chives – P, 10-15” Ht., Sun, mild onion flavor, pink flower heads are also edible
Chives, Garlic – P, 24-30” Ht., Sun, flat leaves, flavor mix of onion and garlic, white flowers
Cilantro – A, 18” Ht., Sun, A, 18” Ht., Sun, leaves and seeds used in Mexican cooking
Cohosh, Black – P, 3-6’ Ht., Shade, North American native, white flowers, medicinal roots
Cohosh, Blue – P, 3-6’ Ht., Shade, North American native, white flowers, medicinal roots
Dill – A, 48” Ht., Sun, blue green feathery foliage before forming seed heads
Narrow-Leaved – P, 8-18” Ht., Sun, narrow leaves, pink-purple petals
Pale Purple – P, 12-30” Ht., Sun, long drooping pink petals
Purple – P, 3’ Ht., Sun, rosy red flowers, dark center
Yellow – P, 2-3’ Ht., Sun, yellow flower, dark center
Fo-Ti (He-Shou-Wu) – PV, 30’, Sun, very invasive Chinese medicinal he
Lady’s Mantle – P, 9-18” Ht., Sun, textured, scalloped leaves, light green flowers
Blue Star – P, 20” Ht., Sun, compact growth, violet blue flowers
Elegance Snow – P, 12” Ht., Sun, Fragrant white flowers, gray-green foliage
Green French – TP, 1-3’ Ht., Sun, finely toothed leaves, lavender-purple blooms
Grosso – P, 24-30” Ht., Sun, silver foliage, 12-14” spikes of violet flowers
Hidcote Blue – P, 18-24” Ht., Sun, silver grey foliage, dark purple fragrant flowers
Lavance Purple – P, 12” Ht., Sun, intense deep purple flowers
Linda Ligon – TP, 24-36” Ht., Sun, variegated form of French lavender
Munstead – P, 12” Ht., Sun, fragrant compact plant, lilac flowers
Pinnata – TP, 2-3’ Ht., Sun, fernlike foliage, purple flowers
Provence – P, 2’ Ht., Sun, very fragrant mauve flowers with long flower spikes
Silver Anouk – P, 12” Ht., Sun, purple flowers
Lemon Balm – P, 2-3’ Ht., Sun, citronella scented, good lemon flavor for teas
Lime Balm – P, 12” Ht., Sun/Part Shade. Lime flavor with a hint of mint
Lemon Grass – TP, 18-24” Ht., Sun, lemon-scented grass, base used in Thai cooking
Lemon Verbena – TP, 4-6’ Ht., Sun, long green leaves, lemon flavor & fragrance, white flower
Lovage - P, 5-6’ Ht., Sun/Shade, dark green leaves tastes like celery, use in soups
Marjoram, Sweet – P, 10-12” Ht., Sun, milder flavor than oregano
Chocolate Peppermint – P, 18” Ht., Shade, peppermint scent with a hint of chocolate flavor
Kentucky Colonel – P, 1-2’ Ht., Shade, refreshing taste and fragrance
Moroccan – P, 18” Ht., Shade, used in the mid-east to flavor tea
Orange – P, 18-24” Ht., Shade, hint of citrus in the fragrance, darker leaves
Pineapple – P, 18-24” Ht., Shade, gray green leaves with white streaks, sweet & fruity
Spearmint – P, 12” Ht., Shade, crisp dark leaves, excellent in teas, sauces, juleps
Motherwort – P, 24-72” Ht., Sun, large palmate leaves, tiny pink flowers
Mugwort - P, 6’ Ht., Sun, light green leaves, large flowerheads
Oregano – P, Sun
Golden - 6” Ht., aromatic golden foliage, pink flowers
Greek – 12-18” excellent flavor, purple to white flowers
Hot & Spicy – 18” Ht., hot & spicy flavor, purple/red flower
Kent Beauty – TP, 8” Ht., trailing branches, pink flowers, bitter flavor]
Parsley, Italian – B, 18” Ht., Sun, dark green glossy leaves, strong flavor
Rosemary, EP, Sun
Arp – 3’ Ht., one of the hardiest varieties, upright growth
Bonnie Jean – 14” Ht., semi-cascading variety with bright blue flowers
Creeping – 1’ Ht., best in rockery or covering a wall
Golden Rain – 24-36” Ht., narrow leaves of bright green & gold, blue flowers
Tuscan Blue – EP, 4’ Ht., Sun, excellent flavor, blue flowers
Sage – P, Sun
Berggarten – 18” Ht., large leaves, compact plant, excellent culinary variety
Firebrand – TP, 6’ Ht., incredibly showy red-orange flower spikes
Garden – 18-24” Ht., standard culinary variety, drought tolerant
Golden – 18-24” Ht., yellow and green leaves, lavender blue flower
Honeydew Melon – TP, 3’ Ht., distinct melon fragrance, red flowers
Pineapple – TP, 30-36” Ht., pineapple flavor & aroma, scarlet flowers
Tangerine – TP, 4-6’ Ht., rounded leaves, citrus overtones, red flowers
Savory, Winter – P, 6-12” Ht., Sun, strong flavor for soups, meat, good border plant
Stevia – TP, 3’ Ht., leaves are a sugar substitute great for diabetics
Tarragon, French – P, 2’ Ht., Sun, slender stems of bright green, anise scented leaves
Thyme – P, Sun
English – 8-12” Ht., standard variety growth for culinary us
Golden Lemon – 6” Ht., green leaves with yellow edges, lemon aroma/flavor
Silver – 8-10” Ht., small silver-grey leaves with white margins
Agapanthus Storm Cloud – P, 3-4’ Ht., Sun, dark violet-blue flowerheads
Astilbe Montgomery – P, 24” Ht., Shade, dark magenta red flowers
Bleeding Heart – P, 18-30” Ht., Shade, rose and white flowers beginning in April
Clematis: P, 5-15’ Ht., Sun with shaded base
Duchess of Edinburgh – pompom-like, fully double white flowers
Jackmanii – velvety dark purple flowers multi-colored
Multi Blue – deep blue double flowers, faint central stripe of white, reblooms
Columbine: P, 18-30” Ht., Sun
Crimson Star – Red and white flowers
Grandmother’s Garden – Antique form, short spurs, mixed colors
Lime Sorbet – Clematis flowered form of green tinge
McKana’s Giant – attractive, showy bloom in mixed colors
Nora Barlow Mix – Double pink and red blooms
Crocosmia Emberglow – Tubular blooms in shades of burnt orange to deep red with yellow throats
Crocosmia George Davidson – Sunset orange buds open to soft yellow blooms
Crocosmia Lucifer – Striking red blooms
Crocosmia Sharona – Pink/coral blooms
Daylily – P, 12-36” Ht., Sun
Band of Fire – 6” blooms of bright yellow with a red eye zone and broad rim
Blackberry Sherbet – Golden yellow, overlapping 5” flowers with dark red eye zone and yellow green throat; reblooms
Cosmic Struggle – Large cranberry blooms, yellow-green throat; fragrant
Dare To Love – 5” single creamy white flower, reddish-pink eye and ruffled edge; reblooms
Fire and Fog – Large, single red bloom, pale yellow thro
Handwriting On The Wall – Peach flower with wine eye, yellow throat, purple edging, fragrant
Hello Screamer – Creamy 5” single blooms, magenta edging and eye zone; rebloom
Little Business – Miniature bright raspberry red flowers, lime green throat; reblooms
Molokai – 6” single rich yellow bloom, green throat
Night Beacon – small, reblooming single flower of dark purple/black
Purple D’Oro – Magenta purple blooms, chartreuse-yellow throat; reblooms
Russian Ragtime – lavender with dark purple eye, green throat, reblooms
Sammy Russell – Dark red, starry blooms, golden throat and edgings
Stella D’Oro – Warm yellow flowers, fragrant
Villa Vanilla – 5” white bloom, yellow throat, ruffled gold edge; reblooms
Belladonna Mix – Tall flower spikes of turquoise, dark blue and white
Black Knight – Very dark purple flowers
Bluebird – Bright blue flowers, white eye
Cherry Blossom – Pastel plum colored with white center
Delphina – Blue to lavender blooms with white center
Excaliber – Mix of colors of white, dark blue, light blue, lilac-rose with white eyes
Galahad – White flowers
English Daisy Galaxy Mix – P, 4” Ht., Sun, low growing daisy-like blooms of pink, red or white
Gaillardia Arizona Red Shades – Large red, daisy like blooms, some with yellow tips
Gaillardia Arizona Sun – 3” single flowers of mahogany red with yellow edges
Hollyhock Chater’s Double – Tall spikes of double blooms in shades of red, white, yellow and pink
Hollyhock Figleaf Mix – Blooms of cream, gold, rose-pink, copper and purple
Hosta – P, Shade/Part Shade
Big Daddy – 22-26” Ht., large blue-green leaves, near white bell-shaped flowers
Blue Clown – 12” Ht., thick, round blue leaves form a dense clump, pale lavender flowers
Blue Mouse Ears – 8” Ht., small heart-shaped foliage with slight curl, lavender flowers
Bressingham Blue – 30” Ht., wide cup shaped leaves of deep blue-green
Catherine – 30” Ht., golden yellow oblate leaves with blue-grey margins
City Lights – 12-18” Ht., rounded, slightly cupped corrugated leaves, chartreuse to bright yellow
Cream Topping – 12” Ht., white center, deep blue green margins, lavender flower
Crumb Cake – 3” Ht., wavy, honey gold round leaves, lavender flowers on purple scapes dark blue and white
Curly Fries - 3-7” Ht., long, thick, tapered yellow intensely rippled leaves, lavender flowers
Designer Genes – 13-18” Ht., bright gold leaves on red petioles, purple flowers on red scapes
Eye Declare –13-18” Ht., fiery golden yellow, deep green margins, lavender flowers
Fat Cat – 60” Ht., large yellow leaves, quilted & corrugated, white flowers
Fire Island – 7-15” Ht., bright yellow leaves, rippled edges, bright red dotted and streaked petioles, lavender flowers
Fragrant Blue – 18” Ht., chalky blue, slightly wavy leaves, fragrant lavender flowers
Fried Green Tomatoes – 24” Ht., glossy, olive green leaves, white fragrant flowers
Gaijin – 3” Ht., tiny mound of green leaves, gold margins age to white, purple striped flowers
Gentle Giant –30+” Ht., round, cupped, undulating blue leaves, white flowers
Golden Tiara – 8-12” Ht., light green foliage edged in yellow, purple flowers
Goober - 10” Ht., deep green, puckered leaves, purple flowers
Grecian Vase – 18” Ht., vase-shaped, chartreuse leaves, slightly rippled margin, curled tips, lavender flowers
Green Eyes – 3” Ht., narrow, lance-shaped, rippled gold leaves, dark green margins
Green Mouse Ears – 8” Ht., thick, rubbery, round green leaves, lavender flowers
Green Platter – 5’ Ht., shiny green leaves, rippled edges, white flowers
Illicit Affair – 5-8” Ht., oval, medium green leaves, bright gold rippled margins, lavender flowers
Lakeside Dragonfly – 19-22” Ht., long, oval blue green leaves, wide gold margins
Lakeside Old Smokey – 19-22” Ht., smoky blue-green leaves, rippled margins, lavender flowers
Lemon Frost – 5-8” Ht., wavy, chartreuse, lance-shaped leaves, white margin, purple striped flowers
Lemon Lime – 5-8” Ht., wavy, bright gold, veined lance-shaped leaves, purple striped flowers
Luna Moth – 18” Ht., dark green leaves, chartreuse margin, lavender flowers
Pineapple Upside Down Cake – 18” Ht., gold foliage, rippled dark green margins, lavender flowers
Sum and Substance – P, 24-36”, Shade, lavender flowers
Summer Lovin’ - 18” Ht., bright gold margins, deep green centers, wavy, somewhat corrugated,, lavender flowers
Tattle Tails - 3-6” Ht., long, arching green leaves, ruffled yellow edges, lavender flowers
Vulcan – 19-22” Ht., creamy white leaves, dark green margins, golden yellow streaks along interior margins, lavender flowers
Houttuynia Chameleon – P, 6-12” Ht., Sun-Shade, leaves of cream, pink, yellow and red
Jasmine, Rose/Perfume – PV, 3-10’ Ht., Sun, red flower buds open to creamy white, strong scent
Lily Of The Valley -Fragrant, waxy white flowers
Mediterranean Bells – Greenish, bell shaped flowers flushed with purple and edged in white, hanging in graceful clusters
Passionflower Blue Crown – 10-15’ Ht., Sun, ruffled outer petals around a center ring of blue, white & purple; lightly scented
Peony: P, 30-36” Ht., Sun
Angel Cheeks – Double soft pink-cameo flowers with red freckles on the petals, double row of pink guard petals; fragrant
Bartzella – fragrant yellow blooms
Celebrity – rose pink blooms surround white tufted center
Cherry Hill – mid-sized blooms of rich, deep crimson, fully double once established
Command Performance - very large, striking red flower, very fragrant
Coral Sunset – Semi double, ruffled flowers of coral with rose pink highlights; matures to pale apricot with yellow stamens; fragrant
Dr. Alexander Fleming – fragrant, large deep rose-pink double flowers fading to light pink
Felix Supreme – large red flower
Gardenia - 6” blush white double bloom with a gardenia form, mild fragrance, many side buds
Henry Bockstoce – very large double flowers of deep cardinal red, rounded petals, center shaped like a rose, fragrant
Honey Gold – Large, fully double gold and white bomb type blooms with pink flushed white centers; fragrant
Karl Rosenfeld – Deep wine red double blooms
Lady Alexandra Duff – fragrant, double flowers of large rose-shaped pale pink blooms
Lady Liberty – double row of pink petals around a frilly cream and pale apricot “bomb” at the center
Monsieur Jules Elie – double rose-pink flowers
Moonstone – Fully double pale blush-pink, almost white blooms; fragrant
Pink Hawaiian Coral - double flowers age from rose-coral to a light coral, almost cream, with mustard yellow heart, fragrant
Purple Spider – Large double blooms of pink-edged, purple fuchsia guard petals, filled with spidery segment, white highlights
Raspberry Sundae – Bomb shaped double blooms, pale pink flowers ringed in gold, center of raspberry pink petals matures to pale whiteish-pink
Red Supreme – large, fully double, solid red
Riches and Fame – Fully double, deep violet-pink blooms; fragrant
Sarah Bernhardt – double rose pink flowers
Top Brass – ivory petals form a dense whorl on double 7” blooms with subtle yellow in the center, sweet honey-like fragrance
Pregnant Onion – Houseplant, As bulb matures, it produces bulbils that grow off the main bulb; produces a tall flower spike with multiple green-striped, fragrant flowers
Salvia Blue Queen – Blue-purple flowers; great in mass plantings
Salvia Victoria Blue – Dense, deep blue blooms
Shasta Daisy Alaska – White flowers with yellow center
Spiderwort ‘Blushing Bride’ - TP, 12-18” Ht., Sun/Part Shade, unique variegated foliage of green pink or white